Sunday, 29 December 2013

Youth Empowerment and Development: The way forward for Nigeria

The youth, as it is fondly said, are the leaders and hope of tomorrow. And this  is an undeniable fact since they are the pillar upon which a nations future is built . This group of young people with great potentials will be great assets to any nation if their energies and creativity are tapped and utilised (Ahmed: 2013).  So investing in them and bringing them to participating in the activities of our society will hold a bright future for us. The call to empower and develop Nigerian youths is not a new clamour; it has become stale rather, though it has continued to make headlines because of how cardinal the topic is to the sustainable development and prosperity of any nation.
Again, the most active group in any nation are young people and they comprise a larger percentage of the labour force. Any nation that taps into this extra-ordinary potential will definitely be making a tangible and feasible plan that will eventually ensure her well-being in the present and also in the future. However prosperity in this concept does not only mean economic boom, rather it cuts across every indicators of well-being such as good health, social stability, security, absence of corruption, human and infrastructural development among others.
According to Ahmed Razak, youth empowerment is mostly ill-defined and wrongly perceived in Nigeria by parents, the youth themselves and the government. He said: ‘’parents as major stakeholders often perceive youth empowerment as sole responsibility of the government. The youth themselves neglect self development and empowerment, wholly depending on  white-collar jobs; while the government sees youth empowerment as an avenue to initiate policies and programmes although the programmes make little impact on their lives because they are soon hijacked by corrupt government officials for self-aggrandisement.’’
Youth empowerment should not be misunderstood for giving out motorcycles, tricycles and taxis to young boys as some state government has always portrayed in their youth empowerment programmes. Though these vehicles may empower the youths financially, but the concept of youth empowerment and development is not limited to that as it has a lot to do with capacity building and participation.
This paper therefore aims to x-ray the different youth empowerment and development strategies and their benefits to Nigeria’s future. There is no need to say that the future of Nigeria will definitely be in shambles if the youths are not supported, empowered and developed. If the nation fails to invest in the youth so that they would be able to take up the challenges facing the different facets of the economy, then she must be warming up to entertaining a gloomy future.
According to the former secretary general of the United Nations, Koffi Annan, the progress of any nation lies a great deal with the youth: If they are empowered, they tend to work out a sustainable development but if otherwise, the future of the nation will be in ruins. He said: ‘’young people should be at the forefront of global change and innovation. Empowered they can be the agents for development and peace. If however, they are left on society’s margins, all of us will be impoverished. Let us ensure that all young people have every opportunity to participate fully in the lives of their societies’’
 Strategies for Empowering and Developing Nigerian Youths and their benefits
Youth empowerment and development is a diverse concept that touches different facets of life. This is because the empowerment strategies is affected by so many factors like education, policy making and politics, sports, capacity building, health-care, gender equality, job creation and so on. Nigerian nation should review these factors as some of their approaches to developing and empowering her young people.
Education is an indispensible tool in any programme for youth empowerment. Diogenes Leartius averred that: “the foundation of every state is the education of its youth.’’  Sound education undoubtedly is the bedrock of any developed nation. (Amatanweze: 2012). Through education, the youths acquire knowledge and get exposure. This makes them to be civilized and equally enlightened. It brings with it the wind of change as different skills and knowledge are imparted through it. Nigeria’s education system should therefore be repositioned to make it capable of carrying out these responsibilities. The standard should be stepped up in other to bring it at par with what is obtainable in the developed world. The tertiary education given in Nigerian schools should be able to produce graduates that are job creators and not mere job seekers. It should be able to make the youths independent of government jobs upon graduation and should therefore be equipped with necessary facilities and our curriculum restructured to enable the students prepare themselves  for the life after school. Entrepreneurship and vocational training should be made to form a part of our education curriculum, while the National Youth Service corps is to be restructured to be a compulsory one year of entrepreneurship training and skill acquisition (Ahmed:  2013).
The 26 percent of the annual budget of a nation stipulated to be given to the education sector by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), is yet to be met by the Nigerian government. As of now she can only achieve 8.5percent which is a far cry to the agreed percentage.  This poses a great threat to the education sector, the major sector that is saddled with the responsibility of promoting skills and capacity building of the youths. However, the recent dismal performance of secondary students in external examinations is a presage that the sector is going from bat to worst and needs drastic urgent attention.
Policy Making
Another way of getting the youths empowered is by creating a place for them in the policy making of the nation. This unarguably, enables them assist and contribute their own quota especially in those policies that affects the youths. If this platform is provided, there will be no need for demonstrations, riots, breaking of law and order in order to get government’s attention, as early dialogue with the youth will rather help to iron-out things. Their ingenuity and ideas from their young creative minds can also save the nation from their national plights. Just like Pearl S. Buch said: “the young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible, and achieve it, generation after generation.’’
Many Nigerian youths have actually proven their mettle in idea generation and innovations. Many more have achieved wonderful feats in technological inventions that even the whole world is amazed at their achievements. This therefore shows that young ones always have something to offer in the policy making of the society and should be given the chance to do so. Ban Ki-moon admonished: “let us acknowledge and celebrate what the youths can do to build a safer, more just world. Let us strengthen our efforts to include young people in policies, programmes and decision-making processes that benefit their futures and ours.’’

Adequate Health-Care
To ensure the securing of a bright future for Nigeria through youth empowerment and development, health issues especially those that has direct link with youthful life must be effectively addressed. Health problems like HIV/AIDS, STDs and others must be tackled vehemently using every possible approach. The campaign against these scourges must be stepped up to forestall the loss of vibrant members of the society-the youths, to the menace. When the youths are protected against these deadly diseases, it enables them to pull their resources into worthwhile ventures.  Again, unwanted pregnancy is another problem that can mar the future of the youths especially the female ones. In the light of this, young girls should be sensitized on the consequences of premarital sex and how to manage peer pressure.
Worthy of mention in this discussion is challenge posed to youth development by drug and substances abuse. The youths are the most hit by this menace and it is becoming prevalent day by day.  Available data in Nigeria reveals that young people between the ages of 11-35 years constitute the high-risk group to drug abuse, (Okorodudu: 2013). Therefore measures employed in stemming this vice should be reviewed in other to make it more effective.
Skill Acquisition and Job Creation
One cannot do justice to a topic on youth development without mentioning skill acquisition. This is a tremendous strategy that is capable of working marvellous in taking the youths off the streets. It helps them to be self employed after garnering knowledge and skills for different crafts and technology. They eventually become change agents as they will be relevant in the bid for industrialization of the nation. This also gets them busy as they are empowered to create jobs for themselves and for other young people and thus staying away from crime. Mohammed Abdullahi in his CIPMN 2012 Second place winning Essay called on youths to embrace skill acquisition as a way to curb joblessness. He said: “individuals should strive, and encourage others, to acquire the necessary business acumen needed to chart a pathway to economic buoyancy. The acquisition of entrepreneurial skills in carpentry, tailoring, painting, plumbing, etc., should be embraced.’’ The youths therefore must not be hell bent on getting white collar jobs.
The Graduate Internship Scheme (GIS) programme initiated by the federal government is a welcome development that will help the youths competent and efficient in their respective chosen career. This program if continued will drastically reduce the rate of youth unemployment as they will be made employable and job creators as well. This therefore is a spectacular way of investing in the youths. YOUWIN programme which is aimed at expanding the pool of entrepreneurs by supporting youths with entrepreneurial talents to expand their existing  businesses or set up new ones so that they can employ other youths (Momodu:2013), is a strategic programme that shows commitment to the youths. If this programme is upgraded to be able to absorb more youths, then many Nigerian young people will be highly empowered.
Unemployment is evidently one of the pivotal challenges facing Nigerian youths. According to figures from the national Bureau of statistics, the unemployment rate in Nigeria is about is about 23.9 percent. This is highly above the world average of 14.2 percent (Momodu : 2013). It is no longer news that most industries in Nigeria have gone into moribund as the environment continues to be unfavourable to investments and industrial production. The unavailability of certain amenities that are the base of industrial production for example adequate power supply, has been a big set back to the nations industrialization drive and thus a bane for youth development.
The youth also have roles to play in this project as the contribution of every stakeholder is very crucial for its success. Ban Ki-moon in his remark to youths on 2010 Young Atlanticisit Summit said to them: “You have to take ownership of tomorrow. For that to be possible, you have to strengthen your capacity and widen your vision as a global citizen’’. The youths must show interest in their future and get themselves trained for self reliance so that they don’t depend on anybody for employment. They should rather complement the government’s effort for a better future. This is because no government all over the world can boost of providing employment for 100% of her citizens (Ahmed: 2013).
Youth-Led Media
A platform should be created whereby young ones can always air their views. This youth-led media should provide young people with the opportunity to always speak out on issues concerning the interest of youths and national development. Initiatives like Campus Life pages by the Nation Newspaper and Campus Square pages by the Sun Newspaper are commendable examples that have offered voices to Nigerian students to constructively criticize situations in their campuses and also in the nation at large.
Young people should be given audience as they are in a better position to point out their needs. Therefore providing an avenue for their opinion will make work easier for the leaders as their problems will easily be recognized and remedied. The youth themselves should see that they do not abuse the recent improvement on communication technology such as social networking and the internet. They should make meaningful utilization of the innovation to empower themselves and contribute to the growth of the nation.
Yet another beneficial strategy is sports. Most of the people involved in the game of sports are young people. Nigeria however is blessed with abundance of talented youths in different sports activities. Efforts should be made to see that these talents do not waste unutilized by developing young people in sports and creating a favourable environment for them to grow in the game and be able to feature even in the international levels. The government, private bodies an youths themselves should invest in the sports sector to see that talented young people are given the training needed to enable them win trophies and medals in competitions. This will offer a great number of the youth lucrative employment and also yield income for the nation. According to the United Nations, sports can contribute to economic and social development, improving health and personal growth for people of all ages and groups. The organisation added: “we underline that sports can foster peace and development and can contribute to an atmosphere of tolerance and understanding. …sports can play a role in achieving millennium development goals by contributing to education, health, development and peace in developing countries. ’’
Implications of not Empowering Nigerian Youths
If the youths are not empowered and developed, they will make a mess of the leadership positions when the elders eventually hands over the baton. It is because they have not been trained or given the chance to get close and see how things are been done. As a result they will lack exposure and knowledge and will be in bondage of naivety and ignorance. Giannini A.P said: “I leave everything to the young men. You’ve got to give youthful men authority and responsibility if you are going to build up an organisation. Otherwise you will always be the boss yourself and you won’t leave anything behind you.’’
If the youths are not empowered they find it difficult to get job as they cannot offer what is required of them in the labour market. This however leads to gross rate of unemployment and poverty. Since a hungry man they said is an angry man, they therefore become aggressive and social instability sets in.  This draws back development as the society is brought under the threat of insecurity caused by the insurgence by the jobless youths. They are left with no other option than to vent their grievances and disappointments on the general public.
The Movement for the Emancipation of Niger Delta (MEND) saga and the amnesty programme is a perfect example of the consequences of not empowering the youths. When their soil and water bodies got damaged by oil spillage, they got depowered as their only sources of livelihood was grossly destroyed. In order to survive, they took solace in weapon and attacked the progress of the oil industry and the nation’s economy was heavily threatened until they got empowered again with the amnesty programme by the federal government. Normalcy returned to the region, insecurity reduced drastically and oil production improved. This is because many of the militants were absorbed into the programme where they are been trained to be independent and useful to themselves and to the nation.
In order words, if the youths are not empowered and developed, they become unqualified job seekers, therefore increasing the rate of unemployment that eventually triggers off youth restiveness, increase in crime rate, and engagement in multifarious forms of social vices. According to Professor Festus Iyayi, “…high levels of youth unemployment pose dangers for the stability of the extant social order.’’ This will work towards hobbling the progress of Nigeria and her future prosperity will be a mirage. The youths have a lot of energy and potentials that if not helped to direct them into good use  becomes a threat to national peace and progress.
By and large, an empowered youth is a productive youth, competent and effective. He is not afraid of challenges rather; he is brave and always ready to deliver. Therefore youth development will equip Nigeria for both present and future challenges and will helps her survive adverse conditions successfully. And hence a bright future guaranteed for the Nigerian nation.
By Kingsley T.O. Amatanweze

1.      Ahmed, R. youth empowerment. Guardian newspaper. 04 July, 2013. Available at accessed on 15 July 2013.
2.      Dakar Youth Empowerment Strategy. Available at accessed on 10 July 2013.
3.      Emejuo, J. Bureau of statistics: Nigeria’s Economy Records 6.99% Growth. This Day Live. 02 march, 2013. Available at accessed on the 12 July, 2013.
1.      Mohammed, A. Second Prize Winning Essay of the CIPMN Annual essay Competition 2012. Available at accessed on the 20 July, 2013.
2.      Momodu, S. Retooling Graduate Internship. This Day Live. 25 May, 2013. Available at accessed on 13 July, 2013.
3.      Nnaike,  N. Amnesty Programme Produces 9,192 Graduates in Four Years. This Day Live. 25 June, 2013. Available at accessed on 14 July, 2013.
4.      Subsidy Reinvestment and Empowerment Program (SURE-P). available at accessed on 12 July, 2013.
5.      Thoughts and Quotes on available at accessed on 15 July, 2013.
6.      UN Enable –united Nations, Sports and the Paralympics Games: Promoting Human Rights, Development and the Ideals of Humanity. Available at accessed on 15 July, 2013.
7.        United Nations Resources for Speakers on Global Issues. Available at on 15 July, 2013.
8.      Youths quotes- The Quotations page. Available at accessed on 15 July, 2013.

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